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this donna wilson one was my nr one for several months but it has very rough structure and I was afraid of the dust that would gather there ... also we have to much art at the wall for a pattern carpet that's why I took the plain scp / wilson one . If I had the cash I would probably go for a rug star ....


at last i have been surprised by ikea ... so i have a new roommate: http://pinterest.com/pin/201043570835248495/


Tilda B. Hervé

@zera: den plain scp finde ich auch toll, brauchen aber bei uns glaub einwenig farbe, sonst wird's die tolle grauingraumiteinweniggrau welt...@rike:lustig den habe ich auch in den fingern rumgedreht, aber eben, unsere mintfarbene treppe braucht einen farblichen partner...

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